Getting a credit card can prove to be a huge plus in your life. Besides giving you the power of cash any time, you also have the ability to afford any product you want through the payment of a credit card. You get a credit free period in which to swipe your card without any cash necessary. You can also convert your purchase payments into easy EMIs that are affordable over a period. If you apply for an HSBC Credit Card, you stand to gain many advantages with card use. Primarily, you earn rewards that can be redeemed for purchases later and cashback offers on shopping.
About HSBC Credit Cards
You can easily get an HSBC credit card and call on HSBC credit card customer care for all your credit card enquiries after you get one. The customer care number where you can reach out for help is 1860 108 7788. If you have not received a new card which you have applied for, you may call the helpline to enquire about your card status.
How to Track HSBC Credit Cards
You can apply for an HSBC credit card very easily online, and if you meet certain eligibility criteria, you get one soon. HSBC is known for its efficiency in banking procedures, and if you are already an existing customer, you get a credit card rapidly. Once you apply for a credit card at HSBC, if you are a new customer, your HSBC credit card approval status will take around 14 days to be addressed. While the process of verification of your documents is on and your application has to be approved, HSBC’s credit card division will send you updates via SMS, regarding your credit card application status. In such a case, you do not have to find out about the status yourself.
Your HSBC Credit Card Status
While you can apply online for an HSBC credit card, making your choice from many types that suit your spending behaviour, and comparing cards, you cannot check your application status online. You can, however, call the HSBC customer care number and find out. You may have to authenticate your identity to the call center executive with a few personal details, and then you will know the stage your credit card application is in. Alternatively, you can visit the HSBC portal and go through the following steps:
- Click on ‘Cards and Accounts’.
- You will see a dropdown menu on the right of your display.
- Click on ‘Help and Support’ and you can find out your status.
You may get a response from the customer care executive or an e-mail/SMS stating that your credit card has been approved. You may also get a status of it being ‘in progress’ or ‘on hold’. ‘In progress’ means that the application process is still on. Your card may be kept ‘on hold’ for want of more information, in which case, the bank will contact you.
Final Lines
When you select a credit card from HSBC, you cannot go wrong in your choice as you get a credit card that gives you a world of benefits. At Finserv MARKETS, you get a wide array of credit card choices and you can pick one that matches your purchase patterns.